Hi, I’m Becky – an avid quilter with tech & teaching skills.
My Message
I started teaching online in 2002. Since then, I have developed some useful skills for the coronavirus era. I helped my quilting guild and our speakers move online in Spring 2020. I can help you, too.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.
– Albert Einstein
I can help you with these things:
How will you keep your members engaged and involved until they feel it is again safe to meet in-person? Since March 2020, Becky helped her quilt guild organize their first virtual sew day and run monthly meetings with nearly 100 in attendance. She can help your guild move online, too.
Becky has taught a variety of classes online; consulted to federal agencies on computer-based instruction; and taught the odd quilting class here and there. She can help you convert your workshops and classes to an online format – either synchronous or asynchronous (in real-time or self-paced).
Are guilds asking you to do virtual trunk shows these days? Becky can turn photos of your work and a recording of your voice into a presentation ready for the online era! Or she can get you started so you can create your own!
Becky graduated university with a Bachelor of Music Education; a Master of Business Administration and a Ph.D. in Education that emphasized Instructional Technology. She knows how to teach and she can help you learn something new.
Becky has been teaching others for decades. She’s taught children of all ages and their teachers. She’s taught online professional development classes for those in the software testing field and at the university. She has even taught a few quilting classes at local quilt shops. In person or online – Becky did both before she moved to Guelph, Ontario after retirement.